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        服务内容:【NR】DN125单球橡胶365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 “热交换机组好帮手”

        简介:【NR】DN125单球橡胶365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 “热交换机组的好帮手” DN125 single ball rubber joint "good helper of heat exchange unit" 上海淞江减震器集团有限公司官方网站为您介绍:【NR】DN125单球橡胶365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 “热交换机组的......

        【NR】DN125单球橡胶365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 “热交换机组的好帮手”
        DN125 single ball rubber joint "good helper of heat exchange unit"

        上海淞江减震器集团有限公司官方网站为您介绍:【NR】DN125单球橡胶365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 “热交换机组的好帮手”信息,淞江集团为众多热交换机组生产厂家配套高压橡胶365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 ,压力16kg,质保3年,以下是详细介绍。
        The official website of Shanghai Songjiang Shock Absorber Group Co., Ltd. introduces for you: [NR] DN125 single ball rubber joint "good helper of heat exchanger" information, Songjiang Group is a high-pressure rubber joint for many heat exchanger manufacturers, pressure 16kg, quality assurance for 3 years, the following is a detailed introduction.

        一、DN125热交换机组单球橡胶365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 实物拍照:
        二、热交换机组单球橡胶365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 介绍:
        名称:单球橡胶365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 点击下载图纸
        橡胶材质:天然橡胶(云象 / 东风1#)
        法兰标准:GB/T 9119-2000 (除此法兰标准之外,我厂还可以配套更多法兰标准,如需了解其他法兰标准请点击:橡胶365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 法兰标准


        安装教程链接:橡胶365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 安装说明

        Name: single ball rubber joint
        Model: KXT-NR
        Caliber: DN125
        Pressure: 1.6Mpa
        Length: 165mm
        Rubber material: natural rubber (cloud Elephant / Dongfeng 1#)
        Flange material: carbon steel / ductile QT450 / stainless steel.
        Flange standard: GB/T 9119-2000 (in addition to this flange standard, our factory can also support more flange standards, if you need to know other flange standards, please click: rubber joint flange standard)
        Applicable media: ordinary water, air conditioning water, temperature below 80 degrees; (various acid-base, oil, powder and other special media can not be used, to select special materials can be used;)
        Other media: weak acid and alkali, 120 degree high temperature, please click: EPDM rubber joint;
        Hydraulic oil medium please click: NBR rubber joint;
        Strong acid base, aviation kerosene, gasoline and diesel oil please click: PTFE rubber joint.
        Advantages: shock absorption, noise reduction, protection of water pump equipment for long-term use, reduce maintenance costs.
        Warranty period: 36 months.
        Manufacturer: Shanghai Songjiang shock absorber Group Co., Ltd.
        Qualification Certificate: Qualification Certificate, Quality Assurance Certificate, Inspection Report, TS Pressure Pipeline Production License of Rubber Joint Industry, National Type Test Report, Third Party Performance Test Report, Material Report.
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