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        服务内容:【EPDM】球墨法兰三元乙丙橡胶365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 “外观专利”

        简介:【EPDM】球墨法兰三元乙丙橡胶365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 “外观专利” "Appearance Patent" for EPDM Joints with Ductile Graphite Flanges 上海淞江减震器集团有限公司官方网站为您介绍:【EPDM】球墨法兰三元乙丙橡胶365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 “外观专......

        【EPDM】球墨法兰三元乙丙橡胶365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 “外观专利”
        "Appearance Patent" for EPDM Joints with Ductile Graphite Flanges

        上海淞江减震器集团有限公司官方网站为您介绍:【EPDM】球墨法兰三元乙丙橡胶365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 “外观专利”信息,淞江集团为众多客户提供新式球墨法兰三元乙丙橡胶365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 ,法兰采用新型设计,并申请了外观设计专利,施工更轻便,外观更新颖。
        The official website of Shanghai Songjiang Shock Absorber Group Co., Ltd. introduces to you: [EPDM] EPDM nodular flange ternary EPDM rubber joint "appearance patent" information, Songjiang Group provides new type nodular flange ternary EPDM rubber joint for many customers, the flange uses new design, and applied for the appearance design patent, construction is lighter, and more convenient. The outlook is more original.

        我公司耐高温橡胶365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 阀体上有材质标识区,箭头指向EPDM,如果箭头没有指向EPDM,那么该产品不是三元乙丙橡胶365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 ,请勿在耐酸碱、耐高温环境使用,避免带来安全隐患,可以联系我们
        There is a material identification area on the valve body of our company's high-temperature resistant rubber joint, and the arrow points to EPDM. If the arrow does not point to EPDM, the product is not EPDM joint. Please do not use it in acid-base and high-temperature resistant environment to avoid potential safety hazards. You can contact us.
        法兰标准:GB/T 9119-2000 (除此法兰标准之外,我厂还可以配套更多法兰标准,如需了解其他法兰标准请点击:橡胶365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 法兰标准
        适用介质:弱酸碱、强碱、石灰浆液、脱硫、化工厂污水、高温120度以下;(注明:强酸碱、稀硫酸不能用,要选择内衬聚四氟乙烯橡胶365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 才可以使用
        Name: EPDM rubber joint
        Model: KXT-EPDM
        Caliber: DN80
        Pressure: 1.6Mpa
        Length: 135mm
        Axial compression: 12mm
        Axial tension: 6mm
        Lateral displacement: 10mm
        Deviation angle: 15 degrees.
        Rubber material: three yuan ethylene propylene rubber (Mitsui 4045)
        Flange material: carbon steel / ductile QT450 / stainless steel.
        Flange standard: GB/T 9119-2000 (in addition to this flange standard, our factory can also support more flange standards, if you need to know other flange standards, please click: rubber joint flange standard)
        Applicable media: weak acid and alkali, strong alkali, lime slurry, desulfurization, chemical plant sewage, high temperature below 120 degrees; (Note: strong acid and alkali, dilute sulfuric acid can not be used, to choose tetrafluororubber joint can be used.)
        Advantages: shock absorption, noise reduction, protection of hydraulic equipment for long-term use, reduce maintenance costs.
        Warranty period: 12 months.
        Manufacturer: Shanghai Songjiang shock absorber Group Co., Ltd.
        Qualification Certificate: Qualification Certificate, Quality Assurance Certificate, Inspection Report, TS Pressure Pipeline Production License of Rubber Joint Industry, National Type Test Report, Third Party Performance Test Report, Content Component Test Report.
        The following is the introduction of Songjiang group

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