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        管道CASE SHOW



        简介:GDU3管道管夹橡胶减震器 Pipe clamp Rubber shock absorber 上海淞江减震器集团有限公司官方网站为您介绍:GDU3管道管夹橡胶减震器信息,淞江集团为电子工厂暖通管道系统配套减震降噪方案,为管道系统安装GD......

        Pipe clamp Rubber shock absorber

        Shanghai Songjiang absorber group limited official website to introduce information: clip rubber shock absorber pipe GDU3 pipe, Songjiang group for electronic factory HVAC piping system supporting damping noise reduction scheme for piping system installation of GDU3 pipe clamp rubber damper can greatly reduce vibration and noise, effectively ensure the quiet working environment.


        The GDU3 pipe and rubber shock absorber is equipped with rubber isolators. The upper and lower parts are made of carbon steel, with rubber isolating pad inside, which can absorb the vibration of the pipeline itself, so as to effectively isolate the vibration of pipes, walls, ground and equipment. The advantage of the product lies in its strong, long practical life, easy installation and beautiful appearance, which is the choice of the pipe shock absorber.

        规格 Specifications L L1 H
        GDU3-50 200 150 108
        GDU3-65 220 170 128
        GDU3-80 230 180 141
        GDU3-100 250 200 160
        GDU3-125 275 225 186
        GDU3-150 325 275 236
        GDU3-200 385 335 296
        GDU3-250 440 390 350
        GDU3-300 500 450 409
        GDU3-350 550 500 461
        GDU3-400 600 550 510
        GDU3-450 650 600 564
        GDU3-500 700 650 614
        GDU3-600 800 750 714
        GDU3-700 900 850 810
        GDU3-800 1000 950 910
        GDU3-900 1100 1050 1010
        GDU3-1000 1200 1150 1110

        了解该产品详细参数请查看:【样册P78】GDU3型 管道管夹橡胶减振器


        Clamp rubber damper on information from Shanghai Songjiang absorber group limited official website of the shock absorber product center tube above the GDU3 pipeline, Songjiang group is a professional enterprise engaged in group design, all kinds of shock absorber in R & D, production and sales integration, if you need more information please click the above link query.


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