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        服务内容:卡箍式硅橡胶软365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 “非标定制”

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        卡箍式硅橡胶软365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 “非标定制”
        Clamp type silicone rubber soft joint "non standard customization"

        上海淞江减震器集团有限公司官方网站为您介绍:卡箍式硅橡胶软365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 “非标定制”信息,淞江集团为众多客户定制开发卡箍式硅橡胶软365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 产品,该产品主要通过抱箍链接的方式进行密封,以下是详细介绍。
        The official website of Shanghai Songjiang shock absorber Group Co., Ltd. is introduced to you: the "non standard custom" information of the clamps type silicone rubber soft joints, and Songjiang group for many customers to customize the development card hoop type silicon rubber soft joint products. This product is mainly sealed by the way of the hoop link, which is introduced in detail.

        以下是淞江集团卡箍式硅橡胶软365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 实物拍照,请勿转载,请勿修改,谢谢合作。
        The following is a photo of the Songjiang group's silicone rubber soft connector. Please do not reprint it. Please do not modify it. Thank you for your cooperation.


        该款卡箍式硅橡胶软365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 是采用硅橡胶生产,厚度最薄可以生产3mm,最厚可以生产15mm,,不耐油,不耐酸碱,卡箍式硅橡胶软365bet亚洲版登陆_365bet代理_office365 最大缺点就是不耐压力,最大使用压力不超过3kg,不是橡胶管不耐压,而是卡箍的链接方式不耐压力。
        This type of clamp type silicone rubber soft joint is made of silicone rubber, which can produce 3mm with the thinnest thickness. The thickest can produce 15mm, the high temperature resistance is less, oil resistance, acid base, and the biggest disadvantage of the clamp type silicon rubber soft joint is the non pressure resistance, the maximum use pressure not more than 3kg, not the rubber tube pressure, but the clamp. The way of linking is not resistant to pressure.

        Related links


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