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        【样册P85】SD型 橡胶减振垫

        来源:http://www.binaryoptionsanonymous.com/344.html 发布于:2015-12-05 01:09   浏览:1,480

        【样册P85】SD型 橡胶减振垫 SD rubber damping pad

        上海淞江减震器集团有限公司官方网站电子样册栏目为您介绍:【样册P85】SD型 橡胶减振垫 SD rubber damping pad信息,淞江集团为您提供泵房减振降噪解决方案,为了提高减振效果可将减振垫适合二层、三层、四层串联使用。适用于水泵、风机、压缩机、冷水机组、柴油机组等机械设备消除减振。

        【样册P85】SD型 橡胶减振垫

        产品重要特点与用途  Characteristics and use of products

        The SD rubber  shock absorber is manufactured by vulcanization using oil resistant rubber and stretch materials:whost surface can reduce the vertical rigidity.The basic dinension of the shock absorber cushion is 84x84x20(mm).The load range covers from 0.2~6KN.It needs no isolation walls.To improve shock absorption effect, multi-layer.isolation cushion should be used.Sepa-rate, layers can be separated by metal sheet(3mm). The total rigidity of nlayers of cushion are 1/n that of a single layer.When the isolated object is relatively lighter, you can cut itinto 2 pieces.The rigidity is 1/2 that of the original one. The separated isolating cushion can also be used inseries.


        SD type rubber shock pad is made of high quality rubber as the material, there is a circular depression, corrugated hollow shear. In general, shear force, has low natural frequency, simple structure, easy to use. In order toimprove the damping effect of the damping pad for two layer, three layer, four layer series. Suitable for waterpump, fan, compressor, chiller, diesel and other mechanical equipment of negative damping.
        产品尺寸:170mm*170mm*20mm     150mm*150mm*20mm     120mm*120mm*20mm     50mm*50mm*20mm
        Product size

        以上【样册P85】SD型 橡胶减振垫 SD rubber damping pad信息来源于上海淞江减震器集团有限公司官方网站,如需了解更多减震器信息可以点击:弹簧减震器查询,欢迎新老客户到我厂实地参观考察,预约电话:021-33666667。


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